The first three chapters deal with various aspects of the relativistic quantum mechanics of free particles. 开始三章阐述了自由粒子的相对论量子力学的多个方面。
On the other hand, my feeling is that the relativistic quantum mechanics of electrons has a meaningful place among other theories of mathematical physics. 另一方面,我感觉电子的相对论量子力学有着在其它数学物理中意味深长的地方。
Solitons and solitary waves in inhomogeneous media are of interest in relativistic quantum mechanics and quantum electronics, e. g. in research on infrared soliton lasers. 非均匀介质中的孤子和孤波对于相对论量子力学和量子电子学(例如红外孤子激光器的研究)是很有意义的。
New Forms of Relativistic Quantum Mechanics(ⅱ) 相对论量子力学的新形式(二)
The Levinson theorem and its generalization in relativistic quantum mechanics Levinson定理及其在相对论量子力学中的推广
The bound state energy levels of monopole pair and of charged MONOPOLE-ELECTRON system& some singular state problems in relativistic quantum mechanics 荷电磁荷-电子等体系的束缚态能级&相对论量子力学中的奇性态问题
A relativistic theory of the expanding universe calculations of some operators in relativistic quantum mechanics part ⅰ 膨胀宇宙新论<英文>相对论的量子力学中一些算子的计算&第一篇
The article discusses how to calculate density of particle's state of energy in the statistical physics by classical physics and quantum mechanics, and analyzes results of two ways by relativistic quantum mechanics. 本文从经典物理和量子力学的角度讨论了统计物理中粒子能态密度的计算方法,并从相对论量子力学角度分析了两种情况下的计算结果。
The above symmetry should be regarded as a starting point to construct the theory of special relativity, the relativistic quantum mechanics, the quantum field theory and the particle physics, including the very interesting superluminal theory for neutrino~ ( [ 1]). 上述对称性应当作为构造狭义相对论,相对论性量子力学,量子场论和粒子物理的出发点,其中关于中微子的超光速理论又是特别有兴趣的。
Relativistic quantum mechanics for scalar particles and spinor particles in the beltrami-de Sitter spacetime Beltrami-DeSitter时空中标量和旋量粒子的量子理论
According to Dirac's relativistic quantum mechanics, this, paper analysed the behaviors of magnetic field in normal Zeeman effect ( PaschenBack effect) and anomalous Zeeman effect and gived the calculating formula of critical value of magnetic field. 本文根据狄拉克的相对论量子力学理论,对产生正常塞曼效应(帕邢&巴克效应)和反常塞曼效应的磁场强弱进行了分析,给出了划分强磁场与弱磁场的临界位计算式。
According to the fundamental theory of group representations, a direct proof is given for the singleness of demension of Dirac's matrix in the relativistic quantum mechanics. 根据群表示论的基本定理,对相对论量子力学中狄拉克矩阵维数的唯一性给出直接证明。
The attempt is made to stress the relativistic property ef de Broglie wave in quantum mechanics. 我们还特别强调量子力学中deBroglie波的相对论性质。
Self-Contradictions of the relativistic quantum mechanics a further research into fundamental theoretical problem of the quantum field theory 相对论量子力学的不自洽性量子场论基本理论问题再探讨之一
Calculations of some operators in relativistic quantum mechanics part ⅱ 相对论的量子力学中一些算子的计算&第二篇
First of all, we review briefly the noncommutative quantum mechanics, as well as the hydrogen-like atom in relativistic quantum mechanics. 我们首先回顾了非对易量子理论以及相对论量子力学中的类氢原子。
Our results will enlarge the research scope of relativistic quantum information theory, and establish interesting connections between special relativity and quantum mechanics. 这个有趣的结果,扩展了相对论量子信息的研究范围,在量子力学的基础问题和相对论之间建立了新的联系。
Relativistic virtual particle mechanics is a new equivalent theory of relativistic quantum mechanics. 相对论虚粒子力学是相对论量子力学的另一种等价表述。